How Can I Hide or Remove a League?

If you'd like to hide a league that you don't want to use in the GM, or if you leave a league, you can hide it from the app. To do so:

  • Navigate to the 'Accounts' tab of the app homepage
  • Tap the 'Edit' icon next to your league host
  • Uncheck the league(s) you wish to hide and tap 'Save'

Additionally, if you'd like to fully remove a league that you're no longer in:

  • Navigate to the 'Accounts' tab of the app homepage
  • Tap the 'Edit' icon next to your league host
  • Tap the 'Delete' icon to remove your league host account
  • Re-add the league host account
  • If you're account is to longer associated with that league on your host site, the league will no longer show up
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